Organizational Model

Legislative Decree n. 231, 8th June 2001 introduced a regime of administrative liability for bodies under Italian Law, with regards to certain offences committed in the interest of or to the advantage of bodies, by individuals who hold positions of Company representation, administration or management, including those in a de facto capacity, and lastly, by persons who are managed or monitored by the aforementioned.

In order to comply with cited legislation and foster a company culture inspired by the principles of correctness and transparency, HS has adopted an Organization, Management and Control Model in line with provisions laid down in Legislative Decree n. 231/2001 together with a Code of Ethics, within a perspective of the moralization of management and business.

The aforementioned constitutes not only an internal Company decision, in terms of sharing cited principles with all employees, but also a tool for raising awareness among external parties (such as suppliers, clients, external collaborators, etc.) who enter into contact with the Company, so that they too act in compliance with Model 231 and the Code of Ethics.

Furthermore, in compliance with Legislation, HS has nominated a Surveillance Body entrusted with monitoring compliance with and the functioning of Model 231, as well as compliance with conduct regulations in the Code of Ethics.

The HS Surveillance Body is made up of 2 external members who possess specific professional requirements.